Clark County jail inmates Kiersten Hayes, Nickie Nickles, and Megan Parker carry children’s books with them as they are led into the Clark County Jail’s tiny library.

It has taken about 18 months to put Enon on the map with drivers who exit I-675 to Rt 444 near Fairborn, but thanks to Enon Council Member Brenda Sweet and Police Chief Lew Wilcox signs are being installed pointing drivers to the east on the exit ramps.

At the October 5, 2016 meeting of the Clark County Commissioners, the commissioners approved changes to two road construction contracts for the County Engineer.

The following candidates will appear on the 2016 General Election Ballot on Nov.

The Arts, education, and collaboration were celebrated when one of Clark County’s favorite sons, John Legend, took the stage in his native Springfield for a performance marking the official opening of the auditorium that bears his name.

One of the most devastating diagnosis someone can receive is that of having cancer, but it is especially gut-wrenching when a child receives it.

The Council of Neighborhood Associations (CONA) hosted a debate for candidates running for office on September 26, 2016 at the Forum.

At the September 28, 2016 meeting of the Clark County Commissioners, the commissioners approved the extension of the contract with Pictometry International Corp.

Sanitarians for the Clark County Combined Health District (CCCHD), have found the Aedes albopictus mosquito in Springfield and Clark County area.

Clark County residents and people from all over the country assembled for the third annual “Standing Up to POTS” 5K race at Wittenberg University on Sept.

At the September 21, 2016 meeting of the Clark County Commissioners, the Commissioners decided to opt out of the renewal with their current insurance carrier CEBCO.

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