At the December 22, 2016 meeting of the Bethel Township Zoning Commission, the commissioners approved lot split and rezoning request from Debra Davis for 10.024 acres located at 5700 SR 571. The request was made to allow for a lot split so that an adjacent neighbor can join 4.083-acre parcel to their existing 10.1-acre parcel. The remaining 5.941 acres was rezoned to A-1 Domestic Agriculture. The commissioners recommended the lot split and rezoning on the condition that the 4.083-acre parcel be purchased and joined to the neighboring lot to prevent the 4.083 acres from being land locked.

The Bethel Township Trustees will hold a public hearing on the rezoning case on January 10, 2017 at 6:30 p.m. before the regularly scheduled trustee meeting.

The Bethel Board of Zoning Appeals did not meet as scheduled on December 22, 2016 because of the lack of a quorum.

No meeting is currently scheduled for January for the Bethel Zoning Commission.