
According to information provided by New Carlisle City Manager Randy Bridge to council on Monday evening, the city will return to four deputies at the start of 2016.

Bridge told council that he received the contract from Clark County Sheriff Gene Kelly and after seeing in writing the exact costs for the compensation and benefits the city will be able to afford a return to four deputies.

Council will hold a special meeting on December 30th beginning at 6:45 p.m. to discuss the police contract. According to Bridge, he will need to check the calendar to see if the meeting will be held at the Smith Park Shelter House or the Fire Department. The meeting is open to the public.

During the meeting, it was announced that the third deputy will be finished with training and ready to begin duty in the city on January 18th.

During the meeting, Bridge shared letters written to both Deputy Crews and Deputy Allender regarding his gratitude for their efforts to make the City of New Carlisle a “safe place to reside and work.”

In the letter Bridge acknowledges a visit made by the two deputies to a home on Prentice Drive where two youngsters reside and “love everything police”.

Bridge also spoke to a time recently when the deputies visited with a resident who had lost a loved one delivering a sympathy card was described as “highly commendable”.

In his comments, Bridge stated that this was “the type of community policing that Sheriff Kelly and I spoke about”.

Bridge cited a decrease in crime due to the “increase in police visibility” since Crews and Allender began their duty in the city.

For the months of January through November of 2015 the city saw 26 burglaries, 19 breaking and entering, 77 drug offences and 2 robberies.

At the December 30, 2015 meeting, Bridge is expected to outline the costs of the contract for the deputy services and the projected income from the levy.