At the November 14, 2017 meeting of the Bethel Miami Township Trustees, the trustees conducted a public hearing on a rezoning request from Wayne Denlinger to rezone 21.064 acres of a 43.712-acre parcel located at 7520 Agenbroard from A-2 General Agriculture to R1-AAA Residential. Denlinger plans to further subdivide the 21 acres into 10 2+ acre lots to build houses on them.

Denlinger said that currently the Denlinger Joint Revocable Trust owns the property. He and three of his siblings are beneficiaries of the trust and have all agreed to sell the property. It is financially more lucrative to the family members to sell the parcels as residential property than as farmland. He added that the he plans to join the remaining 20+ acres to his property located at that location.

In addition, Denlinger said that the county water line already runs to the three southernmost lots and that he is committed to extending the water to the remainder of the proposed lots. He also pointed out that the proposed rezoning is the most fair and lucrative to all the family members.

Bethel Resident Jess Underwood spoke against the rezoning. He said that the proposed rezoning does not meet the requirements in the Bethel Township Land Use Plan. The proposed property is designated as rural usage in the plan. He also said that according to the Land Use Plan any property that is subdivided should be at least 3 acres or more. He proposed that the Denlingers revisit their proposal to meet the 3-acre minimum of the land use plan.

Trustee Jerry Hirt expressed his concerns about problems with drainage and septic systems in the area. He also expressed his concerns that the proposed rezoning conflicts with the townships expressed values of farmland preservation and conservation.

However, at the regular meeting of the Bethel Township Trustees, the trustees voted unanimously to rezone the property to R1-AAA Residential. The property must now go through the platting process with the county.

In addition, the trustees approved a resolution to revise the payment to Rush Trucking for the repair of the International plow truck from $3,885.28 to $7,352.48. The increase was a result of an internal engine problem that was detected while making the initial repairs.

For the Fire Department, Township Administration Andy Ehrhart reported that the department made 38 runs between October 21, 2017 through November 10, 2017. Twenty-five of the calls were for emergency medical services including three vehicle crashes with injuries and one vehicle crash with no injuries. They also responded to a chimney fire and a gas rupture.

For Planning and Zoning, Planning and Zoning Director Marty Caskey reported that he received and issued two certificates. One was for a new residence at Studebaker Road and the other was for a new commercial building at US 40.

In addition, he is working on two complaints of high grass.

The next meeting of the Bethel Township Trustees is scheduled for November 28, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. in the Township Meeting Room.